Produk SMART Telecom

Saturday, March 28, 2009


B. Influence of Smoking Health

More than 70,000 publications of medical research that proves a bad influence due to smoking. Of data in Indonesia, most of the smokers come from the poor population. Does not realize is, the poor to increase budget allocations for cigarettes in the budget for the staple food should be reduced. When the family in such a group there are children under five. Will lead to a less nutrient needs so that it can cause edema hungry.

According to the Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC), WHO, tobacco products are products made by using all or part of the leaf tobacco as the primary material produced for use as parking

C. Health hazards of Cigarettes

In cigarette smoke there are 4,000 chemical substances harmful to health, two of which are adiktif of nicotine and tar which are karsinogenik

At first cigarette contains 8-20 mg nicotine and burned after the entry of nicotine into the blood circulation is only 25%. However small the amount of time has only 15 seconds to get to the human brain.

The increasing sense of stimulus rise sorotin happy at the same time desire longer find cigarettes. This causes the smoker of cigarettes is very difficult to leave, due to dependence on nicotine. Effect of cigarette / tobacco mild depression to provide stimulation, catching interference power, natural feeling, the mind, behavior and function psikomotor
In Indonesia cigarettes cause mortality 9.8% due to disease and tuberculosis chronicles emfisima in 2001.Rokok is the cause of about 5% of stroke in India.

A non-smokers married to smokers who have a cancer risk of 20-30% of tuberculosis

Besides, some diseases caused by smoking RI Badan POM, including:
• Psoriasis. • Impact of smoking on pregnancy.
• cataracts. • heart disease and stroke.
• Osteoporosis. . • Kerontokan hair
• oral cancer
• Cancer tuberculosis.
• Impotensi

Many studies prove the smoking habits increase the risk of occurrence of various diseases such as heart disease and disruption of blood vessel, lung cancer, oral cavity cancer, cancer laring, oscfagus cancer, bronchitis, high blood pressure, impotensi, and ganguan pregnancy and disability in janinan.

People who smoke to move away from the stress and emotional pressure, more difficult to release themselves from this habit than smokers who do not have a background depression.

Cigarette smoke gas components is karbonmonoksida, Ammonia, hidrosianat acid, nitrogen oxide and formaldehid. Partikelnya the form of tar, indol, nicotine, karbarzoldan kresol

Poison on Cigarettes: Cigarettes contain more than 4000 elements - elements, and at least 200 of them declared dangerous for health. Toxic utanma on cigarettes is tar, nicotine and carbon monoxide.
Toxic effects on the toxic effects of cigarettes is a cigarette smoke penghisap the risk (compared to the cigarette smoke does not suck):
• 14x suffering cancer tuberculosis - tuberculosis mouth and throat.
• 4x suffering esophagus cancer.
• 2x bladder cancer
• 2x heart attack.
D. Efforts Penanggulangan Health Danger For Cigarettes

How difficult it is combat smoking habits. Those who did not want to stop smoking kebiasaannya for several reasons, among others:
-Faktorkenikmatan (kecanduannikotin).
-Stats (simbolkelaki-lakian).
Mengakrabkan-social relationships among smokers.
Control problem has actually tried to smoke them were through Regions Without Cigarettes (ktr). Without Cigarettes area is a room or arena stated prohibited activities for production, sales, advertising, promotion, or the use of cigarettes. Regions Without Cigarettes is a community effort protection against the risk of harmful health threat environment because cigarette smoke

While the purpose of determining specific Regions Without Cigarettes are:
- Creating a clean environment, healthy, safe, and comfortable.
- Memberika nperlindungan for masyaraka tbukan smokers.
- Reduce the number smoker.
- Mencega hperokok beginners.
- Protecting young people from abuse drug addict, and psychotropic substance Adiktif (Napza).
In addition, the benefit determination Regions Without Cigarettes are:
- Dignity, yaknimenghargaidanmelindungihakasasbukanperokok.
- Economic:
- Meningkatkanproduktivitas.
- Reduce the costs of living.
- Menurunkanangkakesakitan.
- Creating public places, health facilities, workplaces, educational institutions, the arena of children, place of worship and public transport a healthy, safe and comfortable.
E. Smoking And Cancer
Cancer is a disease of tuberculosis at this time kejadiaannya numbers continue to increase in both the developed countries and in developing countries. Symptoms commonly found: cough, is a manifestation that is often found, and symptoms of early cancer tuberculosis. Cough can cough without phlegm or blood, because blood vessel in robeknya tuberculosis. Penatalaksanaan cancer to tuberculosis depends on the stadium and the type of cancer. When the stages I-II can still be operative if the stadium but already III, conducted or radiotherapy and chemotherapy.
F. How to Stop Smoking
Addictions cigarettes become serious problems faced by the world
There is no day without a cigarette. Sentence is appropriate for opium smoking (nicotine adiksi).
WHO data recorded in 2008, as many as 5.4 million people die due to cigarettes in the world. For Southeast Asia, as many as 124 million adults who smoke. Around 46% are in Indonesia.
PT Pfizer Indonesia with Indonesian Heart Foundation and the Institute tackle Problems Smoking (LM3) to develop therapeutics that aim to make people stop smoking.
Called farmakologi therapy.
After therapy farmakologi using Varenicline, he confessed the average patient to stop smoking within three months
Varenicline is the first drug nonnikotin specifically created to stop smoking Varenicline also able to reduce the sense of grace that accrued from cigarette smoking if a patient again.


Anonymous said...

wih potone MR.gielaeng!!!!

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...

Gielaeng adalag SANG GURU BESAR

Icang said...

Sebenarnya aku pernah jadi anak nakal, suka bolos extra walaupun sekali pada saat kelas 8. aku sering berkumpul dengan anak nakal lainya...
aku pernah di ajak merokok oleh temanku bahkan di traktir.
waktu aku coba merokok..!!

dalam hati ku berkata: asu cah2 iki jarene ngrokok kuwi enak... Bakno rasane ora wenak..

langsung terasa hanya pahit di lidah dan sakit di paru2...!!!!

jadi ga ada untungnya merokok

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